You’re Forgetting How to Act Part 28

Pic Credit: Tumblr

Pic Credit: Tumblr

Happy New Year readers! In light of the New Year, it’s time to remind you guys how to act!

1. Just because you post “New Year, New Me” doesn’t mean you will change magically. #thenewyeardoesntchangeeverything#cloggingmynewsfeed

2. I completely judge those people who makes an Instagram account for their pets. #theycantactuallypost #dontyouhavealife

3. Despite what people say, reading is ACTUALLY cool. #booknerd #beingsmartisawesome #whodoesntread

4. At least once a year, a girl needs to watch the entire Sex and the City series in order to remember how to be an independent, strong woman. #insightfulshow #reallifeadvice #ilovemrbig #iamacarriemeetsasamanatha

5. Instead of eating pizza, I just reblog pictures of pizza on Tumblr. #trishaproblems #ilovepizza #cheesygoodness

6. I’m really sorry but posting throwback pictures of people that you used to be friends with is just a little pathetic….especially on Facebook. #facepalm #pleasedonttorturetherestofus #omg

7. Speaking of Facebook, no one really wants to know about how “awkward” it was that your brother’s friend saw you half naked while you were walking in your house. We all know, it wasn’t that awkward for you. #youliketheattention #idontwannaknow #pleasestoptalking

8. When a guy tells you that you aren’t easy and yet manages to drive twenty minutes in the wee hours of the morning just to talk to you, probably cares a lot more than he wants to admit. #thoseguys #sometimesthosenightsareneeded

9. Newsflash guys: when you cancel on a girl, never ask to see them, or hardly text them first — they’re going to stop trusting you. #truestory #sorrynotsorry #areyouthatoblivioustolife

10. Sometimes, I feel like I’m meant to be fight evil supernatural entities, and then I realize I’m human. #sadstory #trishaproblems #ohwell #watchingtoomuchgrimm