The Thoughts of a College Senior

Pic Credit: Tumblr

Pic Credit: Tumblr

Here I am, my first day of my senior year of college. Where did the time go?

Over three years ago when I set out for Washington State University, I would have never thought I would be here. I would have never guessed that I would be sitting in the classrooms of one of the best universities; a university that challenges me every day to be a leader and solve the problems that the world needs to have solved. We are challenged to go above and beyond, to speak out, to be smart, and more importantly — we are taught to apply and solve. After going to a public university for two years, I have to say, the transition was well worth it.

Last year, I had moved into a new apartment, started a new school, and then a new job shortly afterwards. Now everything is a year old — life looks differently now than it did then, but isn’t that life? For this school year, I decided that I needed to kick off my senior year correctly with several items:

1. Kate Spade Planner : because really it goes with my Kate Spade tote.

2. New Glasses : A girl has got to see the damn overhead after all.

3. New Ugg cardy boots : because my other ones are done and the cardy boot look is way cuter and more versatile.

4. Long sleeve tees : because duh?

5. Perfume : I need a new scent that will last me

6. Joie black pants: because BP jolt pants are not for college seniors and they’re SOFT.

7. A new plaid : because this is the PNW people

However, I do have a new perception on my classes and professors. After a GRUELING, intense, and well worth it persuasion course over the summer and earning an A in that class, I realize that I can put that effort, work, and manage to keep the same grades. Well, it was one class instead of three, but still! My goal is get above a 3.8 and work my butt off. All of my classes are communication based. One is a Public Relations class — strategic communication is NOT my major for reason, but will be well worth it. I have a basic foundations class that I need to take and then I have my intercultural communication class (WHICH I LIVE FOR) with a professor I’ve had several times. I can do this.

Coming back to campus is a good reminder of who I am and why I am here. During a summer of all Nordstrom all the time, I start to be defined by that, but instead I am defined as being a student. Someone who is learning in order to be something great. That’s the whole point of going to college right? I forget how much I love being in these classrooms, learning things that are needed for the real world and for change in our society. While I love Nordstrom, I love the possibilities to be something more that Seattle University offers for me.

It is funny though, I don’t think of myself as 22 and on the cusp of the real world. I hear people talk out loud about issues who sound so much older than me. Then I have to realize, I sound like that too, but I don’t consider myself that old and mature. Last weekend when I was moving my brother into Evergreen State College with my family, the RA who was moving him in was talking about classes and people and I felt young, I felt as if I was young and naive, but then again, she was only a junior starting. Younger than me and sounding older than I did! I started to think, has my life at Nordstrom made me more jaded about being young and bright eyed about changing the world?

My life has changed drastically not only in the last three years, but the last year. I started last year with a semi-empty apartment, no job yet, and a new school. Now I’ve been in my apartment a year and it is home, a job for almost a year where I have senior status, and professors I know from previous quarters.

Cheers to starting a new year and whatever opportunities await me!