Tumblr: How It Works and Why It’s Popular

Pic Credit: Tumblr

Pic Credit: Tumblr

Social media has become part of this generation’s culture. Twitter is the number one source for instant news on everything you could think of. Facebook is the go to site to cure boredom. Pinterest is popular amongst women for countless decorating, fashion, and DIY craft ideas. Tumblr has always been popular, but understated. Understated to where most people don’t understand how it works.

Tumblr is a social media site that is very popular amongst artists, writers, and young people. Mostly popular for reposting photos of various clips from shows, youtube videos, celebrities, fashion, food, and even feelings — it describes those things which others cannot describe themselves.

At first, Tumblr makes no sense. There’s no way to start off — it’s easier to have a person who knows how to work Tumblr to show you how to truly get started. You will start off with no followers, nothing on your dashboard, and wondering how you get to all of the pretty pictures that some of your friends have on theirs. To get started, go to the “search tags” bar and begin to type in various feelings, thoughts, celebrities, tv shows, etc. From there when you find a good blog, you can “follow” that blog — which allows their pictures to show up on your Tumblr dashboard. From there, you are able to “reblog” a picture, putting it onto your own blog. Another easy way to start off gaining followers and finding followers is to go to We Heart It. This website makes it easier to find pictures. You just find the picture you want to share, click tumblr, and delete or add a caption before putting it onto your blog and giving We Heart It the credit.

Not only is Tumblr known for “reblogging” cute pictures onto a start blog for teenage girls, but it’s also a place to connect with people going through similar situations. You can connect with bloggers and ask them questions through their “ask” box. Most bloggers allow anonymous questions to come through to answer. Since Yahoo bought Tumblr, chat has become part of Tumblr now. It allows bloggers from all over the country and all over the world to interact and connect with each other.

While Tumblr has become quite popular amongst the teenage girls. They are able to blog their frustrations and reblog pictures and quotes that describe their feelings when they are unable to describe those feelings themselves. With that, Tumblr is also popular amongst writers and photographers. Tumblr makes it easy for them to get their thoughts out there and allows them to have a strong follower base.

Tumblr is probably the most underrated of the popular social media sites. From that, give it a try and see how it works for you.

Check out my Tumblr page in case you’re interested or so bored what I post on Tumblr would interest you.  www.prepinthepacificnorthwest.tumblr.com

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