You’re Forgetting How to Act Part 13

Pic Credit: Tumblr

Pic Credit: Tumblr

1. I never know what to do for the 4th of July because I already celebrated the 3rd of July… #biglakeproblems

2. Just because you are in a rush does not mean you are the most important person in the store, restaurant, plane, boat, world, etc. Be patient and wait your turn. Do not crowd people or ask to go ahead of someone. Remember your manners and remember that everyone has somewhere they need to be. #remembermannerspeople

3. Um, I’m not your girlfriend. I can ignore you and refuse to do what you want me to do. Puh-lease.

4.  I do not care how “classy” you think you are, but the second you mention how high you rank in a rodeo is the second I will have nothing to do with you. #ohplease #no

5. If you are a guy in a Friends with Benefit situation, and the girl does not want anything more from your “relationship” be good to her and treat her well. She’s giving you the best situation.

6. Watch 50 Ways to Look Smart on John Green’s Tumblr page. I do at least 25% of those even when I’m not trying to look smart!

7. Just because you read two Chuck Klosterman books does not make you an intellectual. Just stop and read them for what they are. #intellectualwannabes #juststop #dontruinthatbookforme

8. Just because you are wearing cheap clothes does not mean you have to look cheap.

9. I enjoy playing mentally stimulating puzzle games while watching mindless TV.

10. Keep it classy with a C, not with a K. #alwaysclassynevertrashy

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