You’re Forgetting How to Act Part 25

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Pic Credit: Tumblr

Hello readers! I’m sorry I haven’t written in quite a while, but to start off your week, I’m reminding you all that you’re forgetting how to act 😉

1. Trust your best judgment. If you truly believe that girl is probably crazy and hiding it, you’re probably right. #crazygirls #omgstop #dramaqueens #stoptalkingtome

2. The best midnight phone calls involve those deep conversations where you and your best friend pour your hearts out to each other and then say “love you” before going to bed. #lovemybestie #shesthegreatest #muchneeded

3. I’m always like “It’s Wednesday night, baby and I’m alive!” ….even when it’s not a Wednesday night. #GIRLS #GIRLSproblems #iamsohannahsometimes #favshow

4. Is it strange I find inspiration from Russell Wilson’s tweets? #nflproblems #tweettweet #inspiringperson #weirdo

5. Oh you don’t like country music? Tell me why I should care again….I’m turning it up anyway. #justgoaway #shush #listeningtoalittlelukebryan

6. There are days I want to put a sign on my forehead that reads: Please leave me be to watch Neflix all day. Thanks. #thecarriediaries #thefollowing #ilovenetflix

7. The only way to get through midterms is to start your day off with a four shot vanilla latte, and then contemplate adding another shot to your afternoon latte. #starbucksproblems #ilovecoffee #runningonnosleep #whatissleep #caffeineismyfriend

8. The moment when you’re trying to figure out if the cute guy in choir is straight or gay…. #choirproblems #trishaproblems #stopbeingcute #thankyou

9. I am still watching Halloween movies, despite the fact that Halloween is over. #myfavoriteholiday #hocuspocusisawesome #pleasedontmakemestop #whyisitover

10. If you can’t deal with my opinion, with my truth, then you don’t deserve to be in my life. End of story. #inormallyfeelbad #butno #beingimmature #really #kaythen #imdone #cantappreciatewhoiam

You’re Forgetting How to Act Part 20

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Pic Credit: Tumblr

1. Trader Joe’s frozen meals are the BEST for those nights in with a good movie, or with a lot of homework.

2. Tea is not a luxury, but purely a necessity.

3. The people who really care about you, who are your true friends will show themselves at your lowest moment. Never forget these people.

4. Fall makes me think about cuddling in blankets, in leggings, with good boots, warm soup, Gilmore Girls, and soft Ed Sheeran playing in the background.

5. Urban Peach Boutique has the cutest accessories for great prices! Bubble necklaces, pendant necklaces, perfect bracelets, and plenty of earrings — go check out this website!

6. Read a book by Sherman Alexie. It will change your perspective and open your mind to those little things you may have never thought about. I highly recommend Ten Little Indians. Go!

7. Don’t ditch your friends for a guy, don’t ditch your guy for your friends. Balance both and make time equal time for all. Keep healthy relationships with both your friends and your guy.

8. The worst part of moving into a new apartment is wanting ALL of the dishes at Anthropologie.

9. Woody Allen movies are the best movies to have one while cleaning your space.

10. Nothing quite compares to the first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the fall.