It’s That Time of Year Again

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It’s New  Years Eve, which means the beginning of the completely cliche posts about resolutions. Top of most people’s list? Find love, lose weight, and be happy.

Resolutions to me are less about good habits and trying things you have never done, but instead are goals that you set in order to make you grow into the person you are and who you are meant to be in the future. Forcing you to be a better version of yourself this time next year.

Last year, I was a different person. I was miserable in life, empty, fat, and going nowhere in my mind. I was going to school six hours from the family I missed constantly, away from the person I wanted to be close to the most, and having to buy pant sizes that made me feel like crap about myself.

Fast forward one year: I moved to Seattle, lost the weight to get down two pant sizes, am near my family, going to a school I feel blessed to attend, working at a job that was only a dream, and a stronger person in the end. I made those goals that I was going to change things, I wasn’t going to complain and dream — I was going to make my dream happen. So after an eventful 2013, what am I going to make a goal in 2014?

1. Cut out those people who are negatively influencing my life. I want to cut those people out who are not forcing me to look at the world differently, challenging me, or good for my soul deep down in the end. While people cut out sweets or junk food on their lists, instead, I cut out those people who are negatively impacting my mental health. Stick to those people who will fight with me, but in the end love me for everything I am. Instead of having those friends who exasperate me because all they want is constant drama, I will keep the friends who will still gossip with me, but talk about more important issues. I will keep those friends who really show me how beautiful friendship really is.

2. Stop being an introvert. I need to start taking up the offers to go out, no matter how tired I am after a long night of work. No matter who it is — old and new friends, going out with them could open doors to people I never thought I would meet. It could turn into becoming closer to those who are simple work friend or simple school friends into friendships that could mean the world. You never know where simple friendships will end up with the right people.

3. Take a risk with my heart. Instead of telling the wrong people the things that come easy, instead tell the right people the things that are harder to say. Whether it’s “I’m sorry” or “I love you” tell them. Because if I don’t, one day it will be too late and I’ll always wonder what if. With that, I need to stop being so afraid of being hurt and instead embrace it.

4. Start grocery shopping because impulsively buying meals when I’m hungry is really getting to be expensive and cutting into my clothing budget.

5. Don’t be afraid to speak my mind. Before, I’ve kept all of my thoughts inside of my head. The thoughts that are true, those that will set me free from my internal prison of “I’m too scared to say this”. Good or bad, I need to start saying these things to release them. Those who will not appreciate them will leave, but those who cannot deal with what is your truth — are they really worth having in your life?

6. Really figure out what the hell to do with my hair. I’m still clueless and have no idea.

7. Be that person who inspires people to do the impossible. Be the girl that people look to and say, “Look at her, look at how she lives her life, look at how she goes after what she wants, look at how strong she is – I admire that girl.” I want to be THAT girl. I want to strive to be that person.

8. Consistently work hard and realize that taking the shortcuts and cutting corners will not help you in the end, but instead only keep you from grasping the goal at hand.

9. Buy more shoes, because really — shoes are always needed.

10. Appreciate all of the wonderful things I have in this life. Appreciate all of these little things that make my life unique, that make me happy. Find happiness in the little things.

You’re Forgetting How to Act Part 27

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Pic Credit: Tumblr

1. It is ALWAYS acceptable to run away to your parents’ house for a day to re-center yourself and get your thoughts together. #ilovehome #exactlywhatineed #gettingaway

2. Um, excuse me, Instagram, I NEVER said it was okay to promote #Macy’s on my feed, especially since I work for Nordstrom. #idontthinkso #workflow #ew #butreallyew

3. Life gets a little more dangerous when you discover how wonderful lipstick is. #igetadiscount #oneforeveryday #maclipstick #love

4. Oh trust me, I know how strong I am, I never doubt that, but I want to vent. Especially since I have to listen to you with your issues constantly. Don’t patronize me. #puhlease #whateverhoney #nottruefriendship #leavemealone #strongerthanyou

5. Being drunk and sneaking a boy into your room at your parents’ house probably isn’t the SMARTEST idea in the world. #oops #toomuchwine #hessocutethough #nomomtheresnooneinmyroom #hehe

6. Leggings are only acceptable as pants for those who can pull them off. I know that sounds mean, but ya’ll were thinking it too…. #sorrybutreally #makeitwork #fashionadvice

7. Ya’ll should really start watching #TrophyWife. It is seriously one of my new favorite shows out there. #watchmoretv

8. My bet on the Superbowl? The #Seahawks of course! #seattlepride #GoHawks #HawkNation

9. Be your own inspiration constantly. Go out there and be the best you can be constantly, never settle for anything. Be that girl who isn’t known for having poor self-discipline. Be that girl who could have had that, but wanted the best for herself instead. Be that girl that says to herself, “Hey! I did that all on my own!” #butreally #inspireyourself #idoallthetime #beyourownrolemodel

10. “A strong man can handle a strong woman. A weak man will say she has an attitude.” #ihaveanattitudeanyway #lovethisquote #truth

You’re Forgetting How to Act Part 25

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Pic Credit: Tumblr

Hello readers! I’m sorry I haven’t written in quite a while, but to start off your week, I’m reminding you all that you’re forgetting how to act 😉

1. Trust your best judgment. If you truly believe that girl is probably crazy and hiding it, you’re probably right. #crazygirls #omgstop #dramaqueens #stoptalkingtome

2. The best midnight phone calls involve those deep conversations where you and your best friend pour your hearts out to each other and then say “love you” before going to bed. #lovemybestie #shesthegreatest #muchneeded

3. I’m always like “It’s Wednesday night, baby and I’m alive!” ….even when it’s not a Wednesday night. #GIRLS #GIRLSproblems #iamsohannahsometimes #favshow

4. Is it strange I find inspiration from Russell Wilson’s tweets? #nflproblems #tweettweet #inspiringperson #weirdo

5. Oh you don’t like country music? Tell me why I should care again….I’m turning it up anyway. #justgoaway #shush #listeningtoalittlelukebryan

6. There are days I want to put a sign on my forehead that reads: Please leave me be to watch Neflix all day. Thanks. #thecarriediaries #thefollowing #ilovenetflix

7. The only way to get through midterms is to start your day off with a four shot vanilla latte, and then contemplate adding another shot to your afternoon latte. #starbucksproblems #ilovecoffee #runningonnosleep #whatissleep #caffeineismyfriend

8. The moment when you’re trying to figure out if the cute guy in choir is straight or gay…. #choirproblems #trishaproblems #stopbeingcute #thankyou

9. I am still watching Halloween movies, despite the fact that Halloween is over. #myfavoriteholiday #hocuspocusisawesome #pleasedontmakemestop #whyisitover

10. If you can’t deal with my opinion, with my truth, then you don’t deserve to be in my life. End of story. #inormallyfeelbad #butno #beingimmature #really #kaythen #imdone #cantappreciatewhoiam

You’re Forgetting How to Act Part 22

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1. Can we take a second to talk about the season 5 premiere of Vampire Diaries last night? This whole Stefan and Silas doppelganger thing is just not working for me. I want Stefan back. #TheVampireDiaries #stefancomeback #teamdamon

2. The only reason I’m late to anything anymore is because of slow drivers. #seattledrivers #omghowslowareyougoing #really #youdontevenlivehere

3. When you ordered your textbooks from the bookstore a week ago and they still haven’t emailed that you can pick them up….and you kind of need them over the weekend. #really #why #ineedmytextbooks #collegeproblems

4. Girls on HBO teaches some of the greatest lessons in life. You need a crack spirit guide when you accidently smoke it in line to the bathroom, don’t marry someone for money, you don’t need to be nice all the time when you love someone….but really…. #Girls #HBO #bestshowever #sofunny #watchit

5. There comes a moment when you look at your mother and tell her you want Chanel No. 5 for your birthday and she smiles and you know EXACTLY what you will be getting….along with a bottle of wine. #mothersarethebest #chanelisthebest

6. I choose to not say anything about this #governmentshutdown because it’s one big attention getting act because Congress can’t sit down and agree what’s best for us, the people they work for, before themselves and their own beliefs.

7. It shouldn’t matter what she says – if she’s worth it to you, fight for her. Sometimes she can’t do all of it on her own. She just wants to know she’s worth it. #keepyourword #obvi #cmonhere

8. The 100th episode of Ghost Adventures is taking place in my old hometown of STL. It’s gonna be worth watching. #whereigrewup #omgomgomg #iloveghostadventures #sorrynotsorry

9. Keep your glass, expectations, heels, and standards high.

10. Wanna know how a girl feels? Listen to the lyrics of the songs she’s listening to. #obvi #guysaresodumb #wearesosimple

You’re Forgetting How to Act Part 18

1.The greatest moments are when your mother and you drink wine in your bed and watch episodes of Girls. #motherdaughterbonding #wineisgoodforthesoul

2. You know you have acclimated to Seattle life when you go to the Target in Skagit Valley and are upset that they have none of your usual magazine selection. #cmon #whereismynewyorker

3. I prefer shopping at local stores when buying books, cute clothing, or food in order to support local business owners. #shoplocal

4. If you do not find yourself listening to Incubus on late nights at home, then you are obviously too shallow to enjoy life. #truestory #90smusic

5.Macklemore is a decent artist. He’s new and has a good sound, but his music is so overplayed that I feel like throwing myself out of my car every time it comes onto the radio. #overexposed

6.You haven’t lived until you have gone to bed at 4 in the morning three days in a week. #partygirl #seattle #cityliving

7.The Titanic with Kate Winslet and Leo Dicaprio is a must watch for all females. It teaches about following your heart even if the person you love is below your social status or different. It’s about love. #truelove #girllessons

8.If you are drinking beer and it is not an IPA – we have nothing to discuss. #beerisgood #IPAsaretheonlyrelevantbeer

9.The most important people in your life will challenge you, force you to be who you are when you don’t think you can be, make you think and question everything, and encourage you to follow your dreams. #bestpeopleinlife #inspire

10. Go do something that scares you this week.