Trisha’s Top Tweets of Summer

In memory of the passing of Summer 2013, I am publishing on my blog my top summer tweets. If you care to follow me, my Twitter is @trishasteffens 🙂 Check it out!

You have never had an IPA? And WHY was I in love with you? #wecantbefriends #goodbeer #whodrinkscoors

“Just tell me I’m yours. Because I am. No need for expectations or commitment. It’s just the way it is. It just IS.”

Am I the only former Coug that is excited it’s HUSKY FOOTBALL?! #uwalumkid #purpleinmyblood #GoDawgs

I am that white girl blasting Tech Nine. #trishaproblems #whitegirlproblems

So I don’t think I will be buying food this week. #spentalmostallmymoney #longchamp #shopping #toomanyclothes #noshame

I can’t handle that again sober. #truelife #awksitations #whereisthetequila

Only my family would have bonding time time by sitting out on the deck and smoking clove cigars. #familytime #familybonding #toofunny #dysfunctional

When your best friend is your wingman and she isn’t even there. #stuffmorgantexts #bestiesfolyfe #wingwoman

I keep wanting him to text back, but then I remember he’s kind of driving a boat. #seattlegirlproblems #guys #boats #seattlelife

Those days when your cat decides he’s a model. #showingoff #mycathasmentalissues #justanothernight

RETWEET: “I high five girls after sex, not cuddle. I don’t want them to get the wrong idea.”

I keep a bottle of wine on hand in case of emergencies. #emergencywine #wineisgood #thetrishalife

RETWEET: “The best thing about pre-season football is getting to pretend that Tony Romo is not the Cowboys’ quarterback.”

RETWEET: “The only insults I will ever take seriously on Twitter are from gay teenagers.”

I wish I was Nina Dobrev. #trishaproblems #TVDhottie

Love is never the answer, TEQUILA is the answer. #duh #ofcourse #tequilaisreal #loveisnotreal

It’s hard to be better than someone when you’re obsessed with rodeos…#truelife #ew #pleasestoptalking #yourenotclassy #hicksitellya

When you dream about the Vampire Diaires and never want to be woken up again. #stefanwasmyboyfriend #dontwakemeup #torture #sadnow

I’m 87% sure I’m a mermaid. #truelife #trishaproblems #lifehappens #mermaidproblems

I have decided I need more cookbooks…and maybe some food to cook with. #trishaproblems #iamnotdomestic #whatiscooking

“It’s going to be….sex” #stuffmorgansays #bestfriends #truethoughts

I don’t think I’m going to be “passive aggressive” Trisha today. #pissedoff #sassy #trishaproblems

When your best friend hits on the random Australian living in your house. #drunkproblems #littlemorganthings

I am pretty sure the apocalypse is happening in Skagit Valley. #mountvernonwildfire #skagitvalleywashington #icanseeitfrommyhouse #anotherdayinthelifeof

I am pretty sure I am still hungover from being drunk 24 hours ago… #trishaproblems #tequilaismyfriend #latenights #yolo

Every day I think to myself, “I wonder what stupid shit my ex did today” just for pure amusement. #stupidpeoplemakemelaugh #imabitchdontcare

The moment when your mom helps you sneak a boy out of your house who snuck in through the window. #badboys #dayinthelifeof #trishaproblems

Liking you is really putting a damper on my life. #crushproblems

“I feel like you would be a manwhore, but I feel like this (gestures to the face) gets in the way.” -Morgan to James #stuffmorgansays #clipperattendantconvos #bestfriend #omg

I hate when people you love to stalk on Instagram put their settings on private. #wth #idontwanttofollowyou #dammit

95% of the time, I cannot deal with my feelings towards boys. #truelife #trishaproblems #sometimesiwishiwasalesbian

I want a big girl job…and a cup of coffee. A BIG cup of coffee. #tired. #caffeineisneeded #crankymorningperson

“Germs make you vomit. GERMS make weird stuff grow on your privates.” #stuffjamessays #clipperattendantconvos #germs

The awkward moment when half of your ex boyfriends are married. #iam20 #awksituations #hahayouuglay #trishaproblems

I had 666 friends, so I deleted one because I couldn’t deal with the number. #trishaproblems #sorrynotsorry #evilnumber #superstitiousashell

True guy friends seduce boys using your phone. #ihaveweirdfriends #bromisaweirdo #lovemycoworkers

I still manage to throw something at the TV when LC choose Jason over Paris at the end of season one of the Hills. #theHills #flashback #LC #hateJason

Giving your mom a pair of cowboys boots you don’t wear in exchange for her paying your chiropractor bill. #trishaproblems #billsbillsbills #dowhatigottado

“I’ve had periods longer than that.” #stuffdesnisays #bestfriend #yourenotinloveafteraweek

I should have my own show called “The Cat Whisperer.” #crazycatlady #ilovecats #theytalktome

I really need to stop watching #TeenWolf and start working on my resume. #howoldamiagain #ilovewerewolves #cantstopwatchingthisshow

Never give up on someone who texts you after a bridge collapse. #iwillneverunderstandhim #wtfiswrongwithyou

If I hear one more girl use the word “hubby” I will have a nervous breakdown and become a werewolf. #truelife #notcute #trishaproblems #iamsecretlyawerewolf

My intoxicated mother informed me she will be living until she is 120. #mothers #trishaproblems #wineisalwaystheanswer

When you sit your cat and dog down for the “vacuum cleaners are not monsters” talk. #ineedtogobacktowork #yesitalktomypets #imgoingcrazy

When you tell your mother, “I don’t answer the door anyway, then I have to talk real people and not the dog…” #trishaproblems #ihatepeople #pleasedonttalktome

When Amanda Knox’s book becomes way more interesting than anything else going on in your life. #cantstopreading #sogood #kindlebooks

When your cat pretends he’s dying just so you will let him into your room. #mycathasmentalissues #jesusyouscaredme #crazycatlady

Ian and Nina broke up? No. No. No. I can’t deal. #teamdamonforever #favcelebcouple #perfecttogether #TVDcouples #dyinginside


You’re Forgetting How to Act Part 18

1.The greatest moments are when your mother and you drink wine in your bed and watch episodes of Girls. #motherdaughterbonding #wineisgoodforthesoul

2. You know you have acclimated to Seattle life when you go to the Target in Skagit Valley and are upset that they have none of your usual magazine selection. #cmon #whereismynewyorker

3. I prefer shopping at local stores when buying books, cute clothing, or food in order to support local business owners. #shoplocal

4. If you do not find yourself listening to Incubus on late nights at home, then you are obviously too shallow to enjoy life. #truestory #90smusic

5.Macklemore is a decent artist. He’s new and has a good sound, but his music is so overplayed that I feel like throwing myself out of my car every time it comes onto the radio. #overexposed

6.You haven’t lived until you have gone to bed at 4 in the morning three days in a week. #partygirl #seattle #cityliving

7.The Titanic with Kate Winslet and Leo Dicaprio is a must watch for all females. It teaches about following your heart even if the person you love is below your social status or different. It’s about love. #truelove #girllessons

8.If you are drinking beer and it is not an IPA – we have nothing to discuss. #beerisgood #IPAsaretheonlyrelevantbeer

9.The most important people in your life will challenge you, force you to be who you are when you don’t think you can be, make you think and question everything, and encourage you to follow your dreams. #bestpeopleinlife #inspire

10. Go do something that scares you this week.


Fitting For Your Best Run: The Hunt For the Perfect Running Shoes

Running shoes are the most important part of a good run. Sure, you could grab a pair and begin running, but years down the line you could have ankle, arch, knee and possible hip problems that could have been prevented by running with the correct shoe.

Finding the right pair includes researching, running, and trying out various types of running shoes before finding the right one that fits your needs and your run.

When it comes to products, I prefer Brooks. I enjoy wearing Nike products, but Brooks suit my running needs much better than Nikes. A few years ago, I bought my first pair of Brooks GTS and fell in love with the brand. However, last summer, I bought the Pure Cadence by Brooks and that was when I fell in love a shoe. My mom prefers Asics rather than Brooks. They fit her feet better and gives her a run that she wants.

Running shoe brands have various kinds of running shoes. There are traditional shoes like the Ghost by Brooks, the Pure Cadence that molds to your foot, and the trendy barefoot running. The running shoe model is always changing. They are constantly trying to improve their products in order to improve running and the wear and tear it has on the body. For example, new products are focusing on running on the balls of your feet instead of the heel. This will reduce the strain and stress on the knees and give a more natural run. My Pure Cadence is one of the shoes that focuses on that. Make sure you research online the various shoes and their descriptions before going to the store.

After researching online, go for a run. Take whatever shoes you have and just go outside and run. Identify what hurts and what you want in a shoe. Do not focus on what is sore, that is natural, but instead focus on what is painful during or even after the run. For example, my knee gets painful at the end of a run or afterwards. That is something that I focused on when finding the right shoe.

Make a visit to your local running store. Finding a small, local running company is easy in the Pacific Northwest. They are in every larger town and always in the middle of downtown. Avoid department stores, malls, and any larger corporation stores — like the Nike store. I am a loyal customer at Skagit Valley Running Company in downtown Mount Vernon. They are reliable and have many types of running shoes. Not only that, but they are great when fitting and assessing my needs. Employees in smaller running stores understand their products better and more often host daily runs. I also enjoy Fairhaven Runners in Bellingham, but Skagit Valley Running is my favorite. Most of these small stores encourage running down the block to get the best feel of the shoe. If you are unsure about what shoe you want, describe your running habits and any problems when you run. They will have several perfect pairs in mind for you.

My chiropractor recently told me, running shoes are like bikes. You have to buy accessories and parts separately now. Like a kickstand, you need to buy the right insoles separately.

Insoles are important, they give you more arch support than the insoles that come with your shoes. They prevent various injuries and can even help with previous injuries during a run. When buying insoles, bring your favorite pair of running shoes. This is when smaller running stores are best. They will have many insoles for you to try out and chose from. Like with shoes, they will slip samples into your running shoes and have you try them out. At Skagit Valley Running Company, they have many types of “Super Feet” insoles. Super Feet are my personal favorite. They have various colors for various kinds of feet. I own the Super Feet Brown DMP. They are a premium insole at $55 and worth every single penny. The memory foam forms to my foot and provides me with plenty of arch support. With arch issues and a bad knee from a patella tendon injury in my early teens, I need more support than the average person when it comes to my run.

Running shoes are fitted to your feet and your specific run. Everyone is different. What works for one person, may not work for you. Do your own research and find that perfect shoe that works for you. My run and my knee have significantly improved by finding the correct products. The right shoe can significantly improve your fitness and your lifestyle.