Friday Fun Extra: Texts I Hate

Pic Credit: Tumblr

Pic Credit: Tumblr

1. K: I am guilty of using this one when I have no free second to reply back to someone or if I’m upset with someone. However, this is still one of my most hated text messages. It’s one thing if you’re busy and are not able to respond with an acceptable response, but to do this all of the time is ridiculous. Is it impossible for you to finish the extra letter to this? It makes me feel as if the person texting does not care enough to finish this word. With phones these days it takes no time to add the extra letter. Thank you.

2. Lol: This one is really annoying to me. If I said something funny, that’s all you can reply with is “lol”? Again, sometimes that’s the response when people are busy and have no time to respond to you. However, this should not be happening all the time. If what I said was remotely entertaining, I want a better response than lol. Most of the time when someone response with “lol” I just stop speaking to them. They can respond when they come up with something more clever or original.

3. Ya: I hate this one because it sends off messages. Do they want me to keep talking or do they not want to talk anymore? What does this even mean? Also, I hate responding to this one because the person who texted it can’t take the extra two seconds, maybe less, to finish the word with adding two letters. I know it’s a big stretch — but yeah looks better than ya.

4. NMU: The whole “text lingo” died once the touch screen phones came out with the full keyboard which makes it easy to text entire sentences in seconds. There’s no more “T9” because the flip phones are not used that often. With that, it annoys me that people cannot spell out entire sentences. It makes them sound lazy. Teenage girls use the “text lingo” still, not adults who have been around this technology for a long time.

5. Send Me A Pic: This is popular amongst boys in particular. They are always asking girls for “pics”. Girls with shirts off, showing more than they should, etc. This is really annoying to be texting a guy and then he pulls that line out. Right then and there it turns me off. Not only is it anĀ inconvenienceĀ to take off all of my clothes and then put them back on after I send the picture, but it spoils the entire element of surprise. It also compromises the girl’s dignity. What kind of gentleman would do that to girl?