I’m Alive! What I’ve Learned this Summer

Pic Credit: Tumblr

Pic Credit: Tumblr

It has been quite a while since I have blogged. This summer has been so busy being filled with an intense summer class and intense hours at work. However, I am back and better than ever! Despite the fact that nothing truly exciting happened to me this summer other than lunching at Ray’s Boathouse with my mom and filling my library full of books, there have been much learned by me this summer.

1. Cooking is enjoyable: There is something about cooking your own meal that leaves not only a satisfaction, but a relief of knowing what went into it! From friends, ideas on Tumblr (I’m not a Pinterest girl), and watching my own mother and her clean eating ways — I’ve developed some great recipes that are incredible and very healthy It took me a while to want to cook and to start cooking. I used to do quick pasta and eggs, but now I’ve ventured into various meals. It’s been an exciting adventure for me!

2. Houseplants are dangerous: Throughout this summer, my mom and I have been working on the decor and finishing up various projects for my apartment. Her open summer schedule allowed her to come down and help me with decorating, polishing up, and finding better furniture for my apartment. This includes encouraging me to buy my first house plant. I am hooked! I love having the plant in my home and already plan on adding contained vines, miniature trees, succulents, etc. They make the apartment more homey and more mine.

3. Time makes being single easier: This summer marked a full year of being single. Since my ex and I broke up in July 2013, I’ve had flings here and there along with an on and off situation that has lasted for years, but nothing official and nothing with commitment. At first it was difficult, but throughout the summer I grew to truly enjoy being alone. I don’t like to share my couch, I enjoy my alone time after work, I use my entire bed and hate sharing. I am allowed to take off for the country when I want, able to go out with my friends at last minute, and figure out that not talking to someone after a tiring day at work is wonderful. It sounds cliche and boring, but for an introvert like myself — it is really a relief.

4. A clean apartment is essential: When I first moved in, my apartment was a mess. Nothing was organized correctly, everything was in piles, things were just thrown into drawers, onto the floor and into the sink. Now, I cannot deal with too many dishes piling up in the sink, the carpets are vacuumed once a week, everything is dusted every other week, and clothes are picked up off of the floor. I have found that I am able to enjoy my space far much more when everything is put in its proper place and organized in a way that makes room for potential.

5. The right people enter your life at the right time: Before the summer, I was in a place where I preferred being alone, didn’t go out, and had issues with friendships fading in and out of my life. However, the right people who are supposed to be in your life come in when you least expect it. Over the summer, I have found incredible friends at work. Some I have grown closer to, some have been working just for the summer — but when I needed people to have fun with and who enjoyed doing what I did, they entered my life. There is no need to force people to stay in your life when they exhaust you. Friendships are to be work, but at the same time, the best friendships are a breath of fresh air.

6. You can’t please everyone: How cliche is this? Sadly, it is but it is very true! I am not the kind of person who is willing to please everyone. I will go above and beyond for people who treat me well and who mean a lot to me, but there are also those who I will probably not get along with because of various reasons. I have found this out about myself: I will treat you well if you treat me well, if you do not treat me well — I will not go that extra step. I thought something was wrong with me because there are people I was not getting along with, but instead it was simply the way I was wired because of how they were treating me first.

It’s so nice to be back, readers! Expect more this fall!

Day 12: Bullet Your Whole Day

Pic Credit: Tumblr

Pic Credit: Tumblr

Normally, I write my 30 day challenges during the morning so then, I don’t forget. So, I’ll bullet how my day is going to be because really — I’m not going to stray from this schedule with so much to do for finals. Although, I don’t understand the reason for this prompt, but it’s a challenge, right?

  • Get ready for work: This normally takes me 30 minutes since my hair is ready for just a quick straighten. I still have to figure out what to wear to work, which could take a little thinking.
  • Drive to work: This takes fifteen minutes since my easy route is under construction right now. I’ll more than likely play something upbeat because of spring coming.
  • Work: 11 to 7. I’m by myself today in Petite’s too! So any customers that come in today are mine and mine alone. It will be nice. I like working with other people, but the majority of the time, I actually like working alone.
  • Change/Dinner: I’m running home after work in order to change into something comfortable and then quickly make dinner before running to my group meeting tonight. For dinner? Pasta and chicken. A classic, easy to make, and filling. I love carbs.
  • Group Meeting: My group for Africa and Communication have a presentation tomorrow on how Media Communication with Gender Propaganda caused the Sexual Violence of Women throughout the Rwandan Genocide. It’s been really interesting researching and finding the things for these. It should be a good presentation, I hope.
  • Home: I will probably finish up any loose ends on my part with the presentation, turn in an assignment online due tomorrow, and then read until I get too tired.

I have nothing fancy going on tonight, probably because of the fact that this week is my last week of classes and I have so much stuff that is due, and THEN I leave for a trip on Friday for the weekend. It’s busy around here for me. I’m definitely ready for spring break and definitely ready for winter quarter to be over. It’s been a long quarter quite honestly.